Parent Teacher Conferences are a great time to meet your child’s teacher and start learning about how your child is doing in class. But you don’t have to wait until conferences to start building a relationship with the teachers. When teachers and parents work together for the benefit of the children amazing things can happen.
- Meet the teacher early in the year and exchange contact information. That way it will be easy to
connect to each other when necessary.
- Be respectful to your child’s teacher. Your child spends a large part of the day with the teacher and you will need to work together. It also shows your child that you value and respect the teacher and you expect them to as well. It also shows the teacher that you value education and are interested in working together for the child’s future.
- What happens at home can influence how the child behaves and interacts at school. If there is something going on home that is upsetting the child, make sure the teacher is aware so you can both address the concerns of the child as they arise.
- Teachers work hard every day to make sure your child is learning both academically as well as socially. They love hearing they are doing a Great Job or receive a Thank You from parents. They love to hear that what they are doing is having a positive influence on your child. If you appreciate what your child’s teacher has done, it is always a good idea to let him/her know.
- Children know whether their parents and teachers contact each other. Their work habits and behavior will be influenced by the relationship you have with his/her teacher.