Stop the Slide!
Preventing Summer Learning Loss
Summer learning loss, also known as summer slide, is real. Children can lose up to two months of essential math and reading skills during the summer months. Fortunately, families and caregivers have good options for supporting learning during the summer.
High-quality summer learning programs have been shown to improve reading and math skills, school attachment, motivation and relationships with adults and peers.
This month’s edition of Power Parent Magazine will highlight quality summer learning opportunities so your child doesn’t lose the skills they worked hard to learn this year!
Here’s what’s to come in the following articles:
- Learn about what makes playtime so important in GOOD TO KNOW: The Power of Play
- Find a list of today’s top-rated online learning resources under SETTING GOALS: Get Techy
- Under CHECK IT OUT: Daily Writing Prompts, find a list of journaling ideas to prompt your child to write and reflect this summer (as well as a special offer for any family who reads Power Parent Magazine this month!)
- Look for updated information about local summer reading programs in NETWORKING FOR SUCCESS: Be a Book Worm
- In NAVIGATING ACHIEVEMENT: Take a Trip, you’ll find a list of virtual field trips that will allow your children to visit places around the world without ever leaving home
- Find a fun list of card games that will keep your kids’ math skills sharp in FAMILY CONVERSATIONS: Let’s Play Cards!