Let’s Take a Stress-Free Attendance Quiz!
Every morning, your child’s teacher takes attendance in their classroom. Why is it so important for your student to be present, on time, and ready to learn? Attendance is critical to keeping our children on track to graduation. Because it plays such a large role in students’ success, we’re taking some of the top school attendance myths and busting them!
Let’s test your attendance know-how!
Please write down your answers on a separate piece of paper. Once you’re finished with the quiz, find the correct answers on the “Setting Goals” page!
Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?
True or False: Students don’t start missing a lot of school until middle or high school.
True or False: Missing one day of school per month, even in the younger grades, lowers my child’s likelihood of graduating from high school.
True or False: Attendance is a shared responsibility between a student, the parent or caregiver, and the school community.
True or False: Attendance only matters in the later grades. Pre-K and K are not important for academic success; they are more about play. Since my child is in a younger grade, missing a day of school has no negative impact on his/her education.
Go to the “Setting Goals: Check Your Answers” page to check your answers!
More info on these myths can be found at Attendance Works by following this link.