I feel worried when…

It takes time for children to develop emotional intelligence—the ability to perceive, understand and manage emotions. Parents can play a key role in this development. These four online workshops pave […]

Moving Forward

Four in 10 teenagers report feeling “persistently sad or hopeless,” according to a recent CDC survey. Our workshop series for teens can help young people struggling with these kinds of […]

Acceptance & Healing

Learning to live with grief and loss is a painful process—and while it may differ from one individual to another, it helps to understand the normal feelings we all experience. […]

Self Care

Many teens and young adults are still adjusting to the changes COVID brought into their lives. If you’re one of them, you may be feeling more anxious or avoidant than […]


Youth Mental Health First Aid is designed to teach adults to help adolescents experiencing a mental  health or addiction challenge. The course introduces common mental health challenges for youth & […]

Building Parent Leadership Skills in Early Childhood

Building Parent Leadership Skills in Early Childhood – a leadership development opportunity for families with a child with a disability under age 8. Register at https://tinyurl.com/ParentLdrshp 

Building Parent Leadership Skills in Early Childhood

Building Parent Leadership Skills in Early Childhood – a leadership development opportunity for families with a child with a disability under age 8. Register at https://tinyurl.com/ParentLdrshp 

Ban Flavored Tobacco Sales

On Tuesday, September 28th, 2021 the City of Grand Rapids declared racism as a public health crisis. For many years the tobacco industry has intentionally advertised and funneled menthol tobacco products into […]

Building Parent Leadership Skills in Early Childhood

Building Parent Leadership Skills in Early Childhood – a leadership development opportunity for families with a child with a disability under age 8. Register at https://tinyurl.com/ParentLdrshp 

Building Parent Leadership Skills in Early Childhood

Building Parent Leadership Skills in Early Childhood – a leadership development opportunity for families with a child with a disability under age 8. Register at https://tinyurl.com/ParentLdrshp 


Parents are their child's best advocate. Parents have the right to bring questions, concerns, and ideas to the Individualized Education Program (IEP) Team meeting. Your parent input in the IEP […]